Mar 21, 2012

Reflection #3

Today's topic is Introduction to Networking and we are reminded to differentiate the difference between telecommunication and networking. first and foremost, Dr. Dayang gave us an example of networking from the stone age where the situation is Caveman A wanted to invite Caveman B who live too far away from him for a game of hurling stone to each other. Caveman A cannot use a drum because it cannot be heard. We have to give suggestion on how to solve the problem that Caveman A encounter. Finally, she gave out few solutions ;

Walk over Caveman B
Get a bigger drum
Ask Caveman C who lived halfway between them to forward the message

Voila! There we have a simple idea of networking before we proceed to the technical meaning of networking. Basically, networking means a collection of connected intelligent computing devices. The basic networking is a connection between two computer by direct cabling.

Besides that, networking also means connecting a computer with other computer or other devices to enable them to communicate with each other.

There are four popular networks in used:

LAN (Local Area Network)
WAN (Wide Area Network)
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
PAN (Personal Area Network)

LAN is usually used in small area and limited to geographical area such as computer lab, school and building. This network is rarely used for more than a mile apart. A typical LAN such as in a computer lab usually use one computer as a server functioned to control the network shared by all computers attached to it. The are two ways of connecting LAN which are:

Bounded (by using cable)
Unbounded (without using cable or known as wireless)

Mar 9, 2012

Reflection #2

Greetings, future teachers!

This week, Dr. Dayang is getting us into the topic about data communication. In a world where we are about to set off in a brisk pace, changing data in a faster way in quite a convenience. That is why we need the access of data communication. Data communication is the collection and distribution of the electronic representation of information from and to remote facilities by means of electrical transmission system.

Among all the data, the data in form of text, voice and still pictures are known as RAW DATA or RAW INFORMATION and they must be digitized to be transmitted through computer. The raw data need to be convert into signal so it can be understood by the communication media as for the data to be transmitted.
Here, there are two forms of signal which are analogue signal and digital signal.

The differences between analogue signals and digital signals.

These two signals will carry out two process on conversion:
  • Analogue to digital = modulation
  • Digital to analogue = demodulation

To make it simple, the conversion of analogue to digital is merely because digital signal is the language of the computer. Here is one example of these two conversion:

The conversion that occurs between a microphone and a speaker.

The hardware that is used in computer to do this process is called MODEM as the combination of the word modulation and demodulation.

Let's move on to the data transmission mode, shall we? There are two types of transmission :

Parallel transmission and Serial transmission

By looking at this figure, I am sure that you can already guess the meaning of both transmission, right?

Bits, or binary digits consists of Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga and Tera. One bytes is equal to 8 bits.

Based on the figure above, the serial transmission is a bit slower than the parallel transmission because it obviously transmits all the bits one after another on a single line.

Under the serial transmission mode, there are two types of transmission:
  • Synchronous transmission
  • Asynchronous transmission.

The synchronous transmission is a large group of data that is transmitted in blocks called frame.

On the other hand, the asynchronous transmission is the bits that are divided into small groups in form of bytes and send independently. This means a groups of bits can be sent at any time and the receiver will never know when they will arrive.

Here are some examples:

The synchronous transmission is Now, moving on to the data flow. The process of exchanging can be done in three operation style:

  • Simplex
  • Half-duplex
  • Full-duplex

The simplex operation is when the data is transmitted in one direction only. As much as I
understand about it, the role of transmitter and receiver are fixed.

For example, when you are watching television or listening to the radio where you as the receiver only got to understand the message or information without reacting back to the sender.

The half-duplex operation is when the transmission can flow in two direction but never at the same time. The nearest example is the walkie talkie.

Last but not list, the full-duplex operation is when both station can transmit and receive the information simultaneously. it is usually consist of two simplex channel, for example the the online chatting.

As much as I concern, the lesson learned this week mostly introduced me to the information on how the network performed in the internet and from the computer. This actually make me a computer literate as I understand what is happening throughout the process of transmission and receiving the information. I hope in the next class, I can grab all the information effectively as I am quite confused when it comes to computer learning. :D

Mar 2, 2012

Reflection #1

Hello there!

I don't want to make my blog look so lame that no one will ever read it but since it is one of my assignment, I have made a decision to relive my blog, revamped it a little bit and filled it with something proper; according to my Telecommunication and Networking subject, of course. This week Dr. Dayang is talking about the introduction to Telecommunication and Networking.

First, she let us guessing about the literal meaning of the words tele and communication. At first, we randomly answered and finally she heard the keyword. Tele means communication over a long distance while communication means the activity of expressing ideas or feeling or giving people information. Therefore, the whole meaning of telecommunication is sending a long distance message by using a transmitter which is the devices such as computers and telephone.

Hmm.. How about this?

Secondly, she moved on the topic that everyone would consider as hard to remember, the history of computers. I swear every one of us looks so blown away with the history retold by Dr. Dayang as we concentrate and jot down anything we could when eventually she told us that she is not going to ask us about history in the exam papers. What a relief! :D

Next, if you ever learned about Telecommunication and Networking or just simply live on Earth, you might want to know about the six elements of computer and communication.

1. People.

People are the most important element because they are the user who operate the computer. They are the one who built, analyse and develop the system. There are two types of people involved in communication. First, the professional people who have gone through specialized training in theory and technical aspect. Second is the end user or those who only know how to use without special training in the field.

Folks need to learn these thing as well, right?

2. Procedure.

Procedure is an ordered set of tasks for performing some action. It is the specification of operation which have to be executed in some way in order to attain the same result under the same situation. In this case, it is the procedure communicating so that the other receiver could understand the message.

Here is an example of procedure:

I don't think Dr. Dayang will like this. LOL.

3. Data.

 Data is the information stored in the computer system used by applications to accomplish tasks. We will get to that later because so far, this is all i understand about data.

4. Hardware.

Hardware can be considered as any physical object that are part of the computer system. Previously, we have learned that the basic operation of a computer system is IPOS. Input, processor, output and storage.

5. Software.

Every computer need software to make it function. Therefore, software is needed to start the communication. The Linux, OS system, Wimdows 7 and PDF application are all included in software categories.

6. Communication or connectivity.

The codec process, compression and decompression, which I vaguely remember in the class, is a part of communication process. It is the conversion of data analog-to-digital digital-to-analog

Dr. Dayang is such an awesome lecturer because she looks so calm and humorous at the same time. She explained everything in the simplest form ever and all I have to do is to remember the keywords. I love her starting from the first day when she decided to call me Shikin. Oh, how I have not been called with that name for quite a long time! I think I am getting used with the name of Ekin. I love it actually but then, she called me with that name and it sounds fine. It’s good to have another name now I guess, though I do not keen to be called as Shikin that much. But still, it is a part of my name anyway so, why not? :)